Our guest this time is BILL BAGGS, founder of Audio Visuals fan productions of Doctor Who, and BBV, producing many Doctor Who related spinoffs both on audio and video.
We discuss Bills background, and many of his productions through the years, what's in store for the future of BBV and the newly revampsed website bbvproductions.co.uk where most productions are now available as direct downloads for the very first time.
Clips were played from the following stories:
Republica by Mark Gatiss (BBV)
Minuet in Hell by Alan W. Lear (Audio Visuals)
Sontarans - Silent Warrior by Peter Grehan (BBV)
Punchline by Jeremy Leadbetter aka Robert Shearman (BBV)
Philip recommends Punchline by Jeremy Leadbetter (BBV)
Dwayne recommends Beyond The Doctor - The Kairos Ring by Stephen Gallagher
The Sirens of Audio on YouTube
Theme music by The Jackpot Golden Boys
Email: sirensofaudio@gmail.com
Website: sirensofaudio.com
Twitter: @AudioSirens
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/sirensofaudio/
Clips and music are copyright BBC and Big Finish. No infringement is intended.