Episode List

227. 2024 Big Finish Review Including Our Top 5 Lists
226. Conrad Westmaas - Death of a Doctor Who Companion
225. The Best New Doctor Who from Big Finish in December 2024
224. Doctor Who LIVE! The Stuff of Legend with our Guest Nicholas Briggs
223. Matthew Waterhouse - The Boy Who Saved the World
222. Rose - Commentary
221. Katy Manning & Gary Russell | The Wormery & The Natural History of Fear
220. November 2024 Big Finish Releases with Gary Russell and Nicholas Briggs
219. 25 Years of Doctor Who at Big Finish
218. Dalek Empire Series One with Nicholas Briggs
217. Stephen Noonan - The First Doctor Adventures
216. The Sirens of Time | Phantasmagoria
215. October 2024 Big Finish Releases
214. Sean Longmore - Big Finish Cover Artist
213. John Leeson - Unleashed
212. Barnaby Eaton-Jones | Me & Him & Who | Children of the Circus
211. The Prisoner | Mark Elstob Interview
210. The Tripods 40th Anniversary | The Music of Ken Freeman | Jim Baker Interview
209. Pamela Salem - A Tribute
208. Reviews - Operation Werewolf and Deathworld
207. The Incredible HULKE with Biographer Michael Herbert
206. Spearhead from Space Commentary with Stephen Noonan
205. Goth Opera - The Audio Adaptation
204. Will Hadcroft - Dark Contract | BBC Audio
203. Sutekh The Destroyer on Big Finish Audio
202. Ken Bentley - Anatomy of a Doctor Who Audio Drama
201. Carole Ann Ford - An Unearthly Podcast

200. Our 200th Episode with FRAZER HINES
199. NATASHA GERSON - Unmuting Morag
198. CHARLIE HAYES - Mum, Dad & The Business
197. Review: Novel Adaptations - The Highest Science & Cold Fusion
196. WENDY PADBURY - Live in Melbourne 2024
195. LOUISE JAMESON - Torchwood: Double
194. Time Lord Victorious - Success or Failure?
193. DAVID K. BARNES - The Silent Devil
192. SOPHIE ALDRED - Ace & Mr Colchester
191. KATY MANNING - Live Q&A - Sydney, October 2023
190. KAREN GLEDHILL - Remembrance, Counter-Measures & Beyond
189. Revolution in Space | Buried Threats
188. Michael Jayston | Trial of the Valeyard | Sontarans vs Rutans - The Children of the Future
187. EDDIE ROBSON - Memory Lane
186. The Best of Big Finish 2023
185. JOSEPH LIDSTER - Soapy Death
184. WENDY PADBURY - An Astrophysicist Down Under
Bonus: Sophie Aldred Live in Sydney - 13th May 2023
183. Once and Future [Spoilers]
Bonus: REVIEW: The Giggle
182. INDIA FISHER - Good Charlotte
Bonus: REVIEW - Wild Blue Yonder
181. Love and War - The 25th Anniversary of Professor Bernice Summerfield at Big Finish
Bonus: REVIEW - The Star Beast - Destination Skaro - The Daleks in Colour | Sirens Sound Off
180. NICHOLAS BRIGGS - The Light at the End
178. The Toymaker - Solitaire
177. The Star Beast - The Comic Strip Adaptations - Review
176. GARY RUSSELL - Zagreus - The 40th Anniversary Doctor Who Special
175. The Villains Trilogy - Looking Back at the Doctor Who 40th Anniversary - with Ian Kubiak and Gary Russell
174. CONRAD WESTMAAS - How To Be Invisible
173. BRIAN CROUCHER - The Travis of Death
172. NICHOLAS PEGG, TIM SUTTON, HELEN GOLDWYN and COLIN BAKER - The 20th Anniversary of Doctor Who and the Pirates
171. The Paradise of Death | Looking Back at the 30th Anniversary
170. Torchwood - Four of the Best | with Martyn Havell
169. The Ninth Doctor Returns! | Ravagers | with Sarah from Type 40
168. LOUISE JAMESON and JOHN DORNEY - The Omega Factor
167. JANET FIELDING Live In Sydney, 1st April 2023 
166. HUGH ROSS - Counter-Measured
165. JONATHAN MORRIS - Cobwebs and Death and The Queen - Randomoids 23
164. PAUL F. VERHOVEN - The Green Man
163. LIZZIE HOPLEY - Happy Horror Heroes
162. GLEN McCREADY - "Please Don't Pester the Team"
161. BETH CHALMERS - Pulling No Punches
160. Classic Doctors, New Monsters Volume 2 | Randomoids 22
159. TIM BENTINCK - The Tassie Laddie
158. Sarah Jane Smith Series Two - A Retrospective featuring JOHN AINSWORTH, DAVID BISHOP, JEZ FIELDER and GARY RUSSELL
157. ELIZABETH MORTON - The Doctor's Wife
156. The Bride of Peladon | The Lost Stories: Animal | Beth Chalmers | Randomoids XXI
155. MAX KASHEVSKY - Short Trippin' Across The Universe
154. HELEN GOLDWYN - Big Finish Director, Actor and Writer
152. Randomoids XX - The Ravelli Conspiracy and Patient Zero
151. JANET FIELDING Down Under - The De-brief
150. Episode 150 with ROVE McMANUS
Bonus: Doctor Who - Bloodtide - Behind The Scenes
149. Doctor Who Audio Adaptations - JOHN DORNEY on The Romance of Crime and The English Way of Death | Randomoids XIX
Bonus: Sarah Jane Smith - Comeback - Behind The Scenes
147. JOHN LEVENE - Run The Podcast, Talk The Fun
146. DAN STARKEY - Send in the Clones
145. The Anachronauts with SIMON GUERRIER | The Game | Randomoids XVIII
144. MICHAEL STEVENS - Commissioning Editor for BBC Audio's Doctor Who Range
143. STEPHEN GREIF - The Perfectionist and the Gentleman
142. The Return of KATE ORMAN to Doctor Who
141. The Best of Big Finish 2022
140. GARY RUSSELL - The Axis of Insanity - White Ghosts - Randomoids XVII
139. GEOFFREY BEEVERS - A New Interview... At Last!!
138. MICHAEL TROUGHTON and the Aunt of Giddy
Bonus: Planet of the Bunnoids by Harriet Green | Short Trips and Sidesteps
Bonus: JEZ FIELDER - Deleted Scenes
Bonus: Peter Anghelides Updates Us on The Worlds of Blake's 7
137. Sarah Jane Smith | Series One | 20th Anniversary Special with Gary Russell, Jez Fielder, Sadie Miller, David Bishop and Peter Anghelides
136. Medicinal Purposes and We Are The Daleks | Guest Host MARC ATKINSON | Writer JONATHAN MORRIS | Randomoids XVI
135. Prison in Space | The Perpetual Bond | Randomoids XV
134. SYLVESTER McCOY - The Power of the Seventh
Bonus: A Tribute to David Warner
133. Shilling and Sixpence Investigate with creator NIGEL FAIRS plus our thoughts on The Power of The Doctor
132. CLARE CORBETT - The Woman of a Thousand Voices
131. Classic Doctors, New Monsters Volume One Review - Randomoids XIV
130. IAIN MEADOWS - The Great EQualizer
129. JOHN DORNEY - "You'll Know What I Mean When It Happens"
128. NICOLA BRYANT - Two Ticks and a Smiley Face
Bonus: Catching Up with ANNETTE BADLAND
127. PAT MILLS - The Scapegoat - All-Consuming Fire - Randomoids XIII
126. ALFIE SHAW - A Voice From The Wilderness Years
125. SUSANNAH HARKER - House of Sapphire
124. ROB HARVEY - Get With The PROGram
123. HEATHER CHALLANDS - "Go To Your War Room!"
Bonus: Geronimo! Exclusive Chat with Producer ALFIE SHAW on the New Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Season
122. Remembering Bernard Cribbins
121. NICHOLAS BRIGGS Part Two - Finishing Big
120. WILL HADCROFT - The Resurrection Plant
119. JAMES MORAN - The Fires of Pompeii - Audiobook
118. TONY LEE - Rat Trap - A Storm of Angels - Randomoids XII
117. TOBY HADOKE - Commentary on Commentary
116. The Early BBC Audio Adventures
115. NICHOLAS BRIGGS Part One - Starting Small
114. MARK MORRIS | Randomoids XI | The Forbidden Time | Moonflesh
113. CHRISTOPHER NAYLOR - Regarding Harry
112. Urgent Autumn Omega - What Is The Perfect Run Time For Doctor Who on Audio?
111. ROBERT SHEARMAN - From Dal to Lek
110. MAUREEN O'BRIEN - A Woman Ahead Of Her Time
109. Maundering Melkur Madness!  ...Ish & The Guardians of Prophecy Reviews with writer JONATHAN MORRIS
108. Project: Forge | New Interview with Writer MARK WRIGHT
107. BARNABY KAY - The Direct Approach
Bonus: REACTION | Ncuti Gatwa is The Doctor
106. JOE KRAEMER - For The Love Of Composing
Bonus: SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT About The Future Of The Sirens Of Audio
105. Randomoid Reviews: The Last Post & Full Fathom Five PLUS Interview with Writer DAVID BISHOP
104. MARK WRIGHT - Outlaw Producer
103. NIGEL FAIRS - In Conversation With An Audio Drama Makerer
102. Review: Mind of the Hodiac | Interview: SIMON FISHER-BECKER
101. The Fourth Doctor Solo Adventures

100B. An Afternoon with SYLVESTER MCCOY
100. Our 100th Episode with Special Guest COLIN BAKER
99. Randomoid Reviews - Cloud of Fear and Memory Lane
98. HELEN GOLDWYN - The Eighth of March - International Women's Day 2022
97. JAMES KETTLE - Who Ever Next?
96. PAUL F. VERHOEVEN - A Short Chat About a Short Trip
95. The Chimes of Midnight 20th Anniversary Special with LENNOX GREAVES, SUE WALLACE & ROBERT CURBISHLEY
94. The Worlds of PETER ANGHELIDES
93. BONNIE LANGFORD - Puttin' On The Glitz
92. TIM TRELOAR - The Third Man
91. TOM PRICE - I'm Somewhere On The Cover
90. Multi-Doctors with Randomoids - The Four Doctors and The Light at the End
89. ANDREW SMITH - Star Cop
88. Big Finish 2021 in Review
87. AK BENEDICT - Horror & Heartbreak
86. YASMIN BANNERMAN - Crossover Queen
85. The Ninth Doctor - Lost Warriors and Other Galactic Funk
84. TIM FOLEY - Topical Writing & Other Relaxing Deadlines Vol. 4
83. Sapphire & Steel - Daisy Chain by Joseph Lidster and Remember Me by John Dorney
82. SEÁN CARLSEN - From Time Lord Heel to Gallifreyan Babyface
81. JON CULSHAW - First Impressions
80. JAN CHAPPELL - Read My Mind
79. Russell T. Davies on Audio - "Damaged Goods" Review
78. JONATHAN MORRIS - The Write Stuff
77. Eleven Lost Resorts
76. JASON HAIGH-ELLERY - Executive Decisions
Bonus Episode - The Return of RTD to Doctor Who on TV and What This Means for Big Finish
75. BENJI CLIFFORD - Wired For Sound
74. Audience Feedback & Blake's 7 - The Armageddon Storm - REVIEW
73. SALLY KNYVETTE - Fighting The Federation, Saving The Planet
72. Reviews: Big Finish Releases - June - August 2021
71. BILL BAGGS - Audio & Visual
70. STEPHEN GREIF - Memoir of a Space Commander
69. ELLIOT CHAPMAN - A Sailor's Tale
68. PAMELA SALEM - A Passage From India
67. SCAREDY MORBIUS - Randomoids V - Attack of the Selectortrons
66. KROTONS | ZARBI | AXOS - Slight Returns with SUKY KHAKH from Progtor Who
65. CHRIS THOMPSON - Listen With Your Eyes
64. KATY MANNING - Wild Thymes
63. Jago & Litefoot 8 | Randomoids IV - The Phantom Selectortron
62. LISA BOWERMAN - The First Big Finish Hero
61. The Pod Catchers with DAN HADLEY from the Type 40 Podcast
60. SADIE MILLER - The Return of Sarah Jane Smith
59. Cyber Star Men - Randomoids 3 - The Return of the Selectortron
58. GARY RUSSELL Part 3 - "I Want Chris Chibnall's Job"
57. PAUL SPRAGG - His First Interview
56. SOPHIE ALDRED - "Wicked!"
55. JOE SIMS - Seven of Mark
54. Turlough & Torchwood // Randomoids 2 - The Selectortron Strikes Back
53. ANNETTE BADLAND - Behind The Mask
52. GARY RUSSELL Part 2 - Being The B.O.S.S. At Big Finish
51. ROBERT VALENTINE On Doctor Who: The End of the Beginning and Master! starring Eric Roberts
50. The Big Finish Introduction Agency
49. MILES RICHARDSON - The Many Lives of Irving Braxiatel
48. GARY RUSSELL Part 1 - The Early Years
47. "We've Got Randomoids" #1 - Short Trips: Prime Winner / Dalek Empire III: The Demons
46. PETER PURVES - No Regrets
45. KEN BENTLEY, The Director's Cut
44. NEV FOUNTAIN Interview
43. ROLAND MOORE In Conversation
42. A Tribute to DOUGLAS ADAMS
41. Masterful - A Review plus bonus short story Doctor Who : Perception Filter by Dwayne Bunney
40. The Big Finish 2020 Retrospective and Awards Show
39. 20th Anniversary of Storm Warning and the Debut of the Eighth Doctor for Big Finish
38. Jubilee and The Angel of Scutari
37. Writer LIZBETH MILES on The Grey Man of the Mountain and More
36. The Tenth Doctor & River Song and Time Lord Victorious: The Minds of Magnox
35. Actress JANET FIELDING on Tegan's Return on Audio, Peter Davison Antics, Her New Book and Giving Back for Charity
34. Jago & Litefoot Writer PAUL MORRIS on Writing for Big Finish, the Curse of Cancel Culture and Other Galactic Funk
33. Scary Stories and Super Creepies
32. JANE SLAVIN on Tom Baker, Writing, Saying Yes To Everything and Making Accidental Friends
31. JOHN DORNEY - Actor, Writer, Script Editor Part 2
30. JOHN DORNEY - Actor, Writer, Script Editor Part 1
29. DOMINIC GLYNN on Composing & Remixing for Doctor Who & Beyond
28. NABIL SHABAN on Life, The Universe & Big Finish
27. OUT OF TIME 1 - Dwayne & Philip discuss the new 10th and 4th Multi-Doctor Story
26. KATHARINE ARMITAGE on Her Debut Big Finish Story "Displaced"
25. FAITH STEALER (8th Dr, Charley, C'rizz) Discussion With Chris Thompson From Eaglemoss Hero Collector
24. Special Guest LOUISE JAMESON (Part 2) on Writing, Directing & Producing Audio Drama
23. Special Guest SCOTT HANDCOCK on Doctor Who, Torchwood and More
22. Special Guest LOUISE JAMESON (Part 1) On Her Acting Career and Playing Leela on TV and Audio
21. Guest BOB FLEMING From Progtor Who on Spare Parts (5th Doctor and Nyssa)
20. Interview with Author ROB VALENTINE on "The Lovecraft Invasion" & "Shadow of the Sun"
19. "The Abandoned" and "The Trouble With Drax" (4th Doctor reviews)
18. Brave New Town and Wirrn Isle (8th Doctor and Lucie Miller reviews)
17. Time in Office (5th Doctor review)
16. The Wrong Doctors (6th Doctor review)
15. Finding Neverland with Guest RICHARD SMITH from Something Who Podcast
14. The Fabulous ADAM RICHARD Vs The Fabulous New Counter-Measures
13. Guest NICHOLAS BRIGGS on The Human Frontier
12. Understanding Being Understanding with Guest CHRIS CHAPMAN
11. A Lesson in Saying Something Nice with Guest BRENDAN JONES from Flight Through Entirety Podcast
10. Dipping Our Toes Into Tom Baker and the Fourth Doctor Adventures
09. Kaldor City - A Retrospective
08. Interview with director JOHN AINSWORTH on Cry of the Vultriss (A 6th Doctor, Flip & Constance Adventure)
07. Review with Guest MARK COCKRAM from Nerdology on The Kingmaker (5th Doctor, Peri & Erimem)
06. Guest Author HELEN GOLDWYN On Subterfuge (7th Doctor)
05. The Chimes of Midnight by Robert Shearman - REVIEW
04. Eldrad Must Die! by Marc Platt - REVIEW
03. Guest JOSEPH LIDSTER on The Reaping (6th Doctor and Peri) and His Other Work
02. Guest STEPHEN WYATT - Author of The Psychic Circus (7th Doctor)
01. Review of The Sirens of Time by Nicholas Briggs and a Brief History of Big Finish

The Best Doctor Who Podcast

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