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Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Review | Jekyll and Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, Adapted by Nicholas Briggs
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Review | The Lost Resort and Other Stories by AK Benedict, Sarah Ward and Martyn Waites
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Following on directly from the previous stories the Doctor and his companions have just been reunited after the Doctor ran off and left them out of guilt. And relationships are still tense.
The story takes place on Soresia. This is planet where the dead can continue to have an existence but is existing enough? The audience gets to explore death and loss through the experiences of the well drawn characters.
All the cast give strong performances but the emotional heart lies with the return of Adric and excellent performances by Peter Davison and Matthew Waterhouse. The Doctor has been living the guilt of Adric dying for many stories, compounded by the near conversion of his latest companion Marc into a Cyberman. The Doctor and Adric get to have those conversations you can only have with people at the end of their lives.
The greatest joy, and pain, of the story is Adric gets the proper hero ending he didn’t get in Earthshock. His death finally can finally have meaning. Expect tears.
The Perils of Nellie Bly by Sarah Ward is a total contrast in comparison. A historic comedy with hilarious running around scenes and a race to the finish. Sydney Feder gives a lovely performance as the historic Nellie Bly and like all good historicals had me researching the story behind the story.
Finally in Nightmare of the Daleks, Martyn Waites is tasked with ending the Marc arc which he does in an engaging and slightly disturbing way. George Watkins as Marc has had a great run as the ancient Roman companion with a thirst for knowledge and life. Parallels with Adric have been seen throughout and this final story creates a sad but satisfying conclusion to that journey.
A great set of stories. But listen with tissues handy as you are going to need them.
Philip Edney
Thursday, August 25, 2022
123. HEATHER CHALLANDS - "Go To Your War Room!"
This week we celebrate the release of Gallifrey: War Room 1 - Allegiance with producer Heather Challands. We chat with Heather about her love of Doctor Who and how she came to be working for Big Finish, and we hear some of her insights about the work involved in producing Doctor Who on audio.
Gallifrey: War Room 1 - Allegiance can be purchased from https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/gallifrey-war-room-1-allegiance-2592
Philip recommends The Mutoid Podcast - https://mutoidpodcast.libsyn.com/
Dwayne recommends the most recent single from Machines of Indeterminate Origin, This Ship Rights Itself/Reckless - https://moio.bandcamp.com/album/this-ship-rights-itself-reckless
M010 are making this two track download available with all proceeds going to support Ukranian refugees and also Amnesty International’s continued push for better gun laws internationally, especially what has happened (again) in the USA.
This download is setup as ‘name your price’, so consider what you would like to give to these charities, all proceeds, split evenly, go to them.
Original theme composed by Joe Kraemer | http://www.joekraemer.com/about/
Email: sirensofaudio@gmail.com
Website: https://www.sirensofaudio.com/
Audio Feedback: https://anchor.fm/sirensofaudio
Twitter: http://twitter.com/audiosirens
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/audiosirens/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/audiosirens
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrU3MLlOeJTLnAbLl35QgeQ
Clips and music are copyright BBC and Big Finish. No infringement is intended.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Review | Torchwood - Empire of Shadows by James Goss
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Empire of the Shadows takes Torchwood in a whole new direction as the story moves into the far future Earth Empire and re-visits Zachary Cross Flane, who was last seen rescuing Ood from the Impossible Planet. In that story the Torchwood archive is mentioned in passing. But this passing mention becomes the central conceit of this drama.
Zachery works for the Torchwood Archive and that connection is going to lead him into a mystery and conspiracy which can turn from suspenseful to comedic in a couple of sentences. A cross between Tomb Raider and House of Cards, no one can be trusted.
Shaun Parkes returns from the television episodes to play his first role with Big Finish - and here’s hoping it’s not his last visit. Shaun imbues Zachery with a warmth and charm which allows us to accept him as the hero of the story without question. But his frivolity underlies a wisdom and seriousness that you don’t want to cross.
The sound design requirements for this story were huge. Naomi Clarke does a great job portraying future spaceships and landscapes, echoing temples and city wide destruction. Supported by a strong score by Blair Mowat, the dialogue has a convincing backdrop on which to rest.
As always, Scott Handcock works his directorial magic. He manages to take a small cast and make a huge, future epic adventure.
A must listen for anyone who loves Torchwood or want to know more about the Future Earth Empire.
Philip Edney
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Bonus: Geronimo! Exclusive Chat with Producer ALFIE SHAW on the New Eleventh Doctor Chronicles Season
In this exclusive chat with writer and producer Alfie Shaw, we discuss and preview the exciting new Eleventh Doctor Chronicles season starring Jacob Dudman and Safiyya Ingar, with the first set to be released in October 2022.
To pre-order your copy and for more information, visit https://www.bigfinish.com/news/v/the-eleventh-doctor-chronicles-are-back
Preview clip courtesy of Big Finish Productions.
Theme music by Husky By The Geek
Email: sirensofaudio@gmail.com
Website: https://www.sirensofaudio.com/
Audio Feedback: https://anchor.fm/sirensofaudio
Twitter: http://twitter.com/audiosirens
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/audiosirens
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrU3MLlOeJTLnAbLl35QgeQ
Clips and music are copyright BBC and Big Finish. No infringement is intended.
122. Remembering Bernard Cribbins
We celebrate the legacy of Bernard Cribbins in Doctor Who on audio, as Kenny Smith joins us to discuss his only two audio releases for Big Finish, the Eighth Doctor adventure, Horror of Glam Rock and Tenth Doctor Adventure, No Place.
We also reminisce about our early memories of Bernard and his immense contribution to Doctor Who on television as Wilfred Mott.
Plus, we each give our Bernard Cribbins' recommendations to close out the episode.
Kenny's podcast Pieces of Eighth can be found at https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/doctor-who-pieces-of-eighth/id1568889213
Original theme composed by Joe Kraemer | http://www.joekraemer.com/about/
Email: sirensofaudio@gmail.com
Website: https://www.sirensofaudio.com/
Audio Feedback: https://anchor.fm/sirensofaudio
Twitter: http://twitter.com/audiosirens
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/audiosirens/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/audiosirens
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrU3MLlOeJTLnAbLl35QgeQ
Clips and music are copyright BBC and Big Finish. No infringement is intended.
Thursday, August 11, 2022
121. NICHOLAS BRIGGS Part Two - Finishing Big
In Part Two of our discussion with Big Finish Executive Producer Nicholas Briggs, we delve into the history of the company from the early days when The Sirens of Time was still an idea, to today, where we look at where the company is going now.
Thank you so much for your time Nick!
Philip recommends Doctor Who: Out of Time 3 - Wink - https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/doctor-who-out-of-time-3-wink-2297
Dwayne recommends The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 6: Lost in Translation - https://www.bigfinish.com/releases/v/doctor-who-the-new-adventures-of-bernice-summerfield-volume-06-lost-in-translation-2228
Original theme composed by Joe Kraemer | http://www.joekraemer.com/about/
Email: sirensofaudio@gmail.com
Website: https://www.sirensofaudio.com/
Audio Feedback: https://anchor.fm/sirensofaudio
Twitter: http://twitter.com/audiosirens
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/audiosirens/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/audiosirens
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrU3MLlOeJTLnAbLl35QgeQ
Clips and music are copyright BBC and Big Finish. No infringement is intended.
Thursday, August 4, 2022
120. WILL HADCROFT - The Resurrection Plant
We are joined by writer Will Hadcroft as we discuss his exciting new Second Doctor BBC Audio release Doctor Who: The Resurrection Plant, his fandom and writing journey to this point, and we take a side-step into the worlds of John Christopher and The Tripods.
We also give our weekly recommendations.
Original theme composed by Joe Kraemer | http://www.joekraemer.com/about/
Email: sirensofaudio@gmail.com
Website: https://www.sirensofaudio.com/
Audio Feedback: https://anchor.fm/sirensofaudio
Twitter: http://twitter.com/audiosirens
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/audiosirens/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/audiosirens
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrU3MLlOeJTLnAbLl35QgeQ
Clips are copyright BBC. No infringement is intended.